Suggestions for Setting up Communion

Suggestions for Setting up Communion

Thank you for helping to administer Communion, a significant time of Christian fellowship and an important part of our worship.


1. Find materials under the Communion table (at the left end as you face the back of the table):
  • white table runner (rolled around cardboard tube in plastic bag) used for the small Communion table
  • small clear plastic table protector to put under the juice jug
  • large white tablecloth used for the large Communion table
  • large clear plastic protector for use on top of the large Communion tablecloth
  • white cloth napkins
  • glass jug for juice
  • two silver serving cups
  • round tray for bread
  • two bread baskets
2. Obtain the following ahead:
  • grape juice – purchase or retrieve from the kitchen fridge if left from the previous Communion
  • two loaves of bread – baked or purchased
3. Prepare the juice and bread:
  • Juice: Pour the juice into the serving jug, about half full. Also, prepare an individual Communion cup filled with water (for those allergic to grape juice).
  • Bread: Cut one loaf into cubes and arrange in napkin-lined baskets. Also place in the baskets part of a rice cake (found on the freezer door in the kitchen downstairs) for those who are gluten intolerant. Cover the baskets. Score the second loaf for easy breaking and place it on the round tray.
4. On the Communion table arrange:
  • glass jug with juice
  • one individual Communion cup with water
  • two silver serving cups
  • tray with loaf of bread
  • two serving baskets containing bread cubes and part of a rice cake

1. Three Communion servers are needed along with Diane as the fourth

2. Come forward to the Communion table after the minister has broken the bread, poured the wine and called people to share.

3. Work in pairs, serving from the outside of the semicircle of people and moving toward the middle. Suggested words of blessing: "Jesus Christ, the bread of life." "Jesus Christ, the true vine." Please feel free to use words of your own choice.


On busy Communion days, a guide may be assigned to invite people out of the pews, to walk around the back of the sanctuary and to form a line up the parking lot aisle in order to facilitate the receiving of Communion at the front of the sanctuary. Another guide might be stationed at the front of the parking lot aisle to assist with the grouping. This will be handled by the Worship Committee.


1. Take the remaining bread downstairs to the kitchen to be set out at coffee hour or take it home.

2. Check the linens for stains and take them home for laundering if necessary.

3. Rinse and dry the jug and cups. Extra juice can be stored in the downstairs fridge or taken home.

4. Return the linens, baskets, tray, cups and jugs to their places under the Communion table.
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