Carlisle Cares and Shares

Carlisle Cares and Shares Christmas Drive

Poverty exists in every community, even very close to home.

Carlisle United Church started the ‘Cares and Shares’ project in 1992, under the leadership of Rev. David Lander, in order to gather gifts, cash and food for those in our local community who are in need at Christmas time. From those modest beginnings, the Christmas drive has now become an established and very successful tradition which takes place every November.

All proceeds of ‘Cares and Shares’ go to local agencies:
  • Flamborough Food Bank (Carlisle)
  • Salvation Army (Shelter and food bank, Hamilton)
  • Drummond House (Shelter for women and children, Waterdown)
  • Inasmuch House (Shelter for women, Hamilton)
  • Wesley Urban Ministries (Shelter and the Christmas Store, Hamilton)
‘Cares and Shares’ takes place every year on a Saturday morning during the 3rd or 4th week in November, in anticipation of the extra needs of the Christmas season. A flyer announcing the date is sent to every address. The church sign also announces the event.
On the morning of ‘Cares and Shares’ Saturday, volunteer drivers and walkers spread out through the community, knocking on every door. Volunteers come from local youth groups, church families and the Carlisle community. A generous response thrills and encourages these volunteers, who gather all the cash donations, gift items and food items. Back at the Church, they are sorted and divided to be distributed to the agencies named above. After all this is done, the donations are delivered, again by volunteers, to each of the organizations.

How Can You Help?
  • Note the ‘Cares and Shares’ date and gather new unwrapped gifts and food together for collection day
  • Prepare a cheque for pick up (payable to your choice of the above mentioned agencies please – not to Carlisle United Church)
  • Encourage the hard-working volunteers with a generous donation
  • Leave your contribution (gifts or food) at your doorstep if you are going to be out in the morning, or drop donations or cheques off at Carlisle United Church (between 9:30 and noon)
  • Volunteer to help – Drivers, walkers and people to deliver to the agencies are always needed. High school students (with young legs) are especially welcome as walkers and this counts towards your volunteer hours!
What are the Most Needed Items?
  • Cash
  • Gifts for the Christmas Store and for the shelters, especially: shavers, alarm clocks, hair dryers, curling irons, small appliances (like toasters and blenders)
  • Food, especially canned meat and fish, individually packaged items for kid’s lunches
  • Toiletries, especially shampoo, soap, deodorant, lotions
  • Toys and equipment for kids, especially books, gift cards, CDs, sports items, games, dolls and trucks
Please volunteer to help with this good and very local cause. And please contribute generously when our volunteers call. For more information, contact Food Drive organizer Jennifer Trott at 905-659-1464.
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