

Welcomers are an important link in offering hospitality to those attending worship.


1. The welcomers greet people in the sanctuary and try to keep up to date on those new to the congregation, offering a special welcome to them. It is suggested that welcomers should arrive at the church by 10:30 a.m. and wear a name tag.

2. Please ensure that the front door is unlocked and sanctuary lights are on.

3. Welcome those who are arriving early for choir rehearsal or to help with coffee making or ushering and invite them to pray with you in the sanctuary for the worship service and those taking leadership (at about 10:40 a.m.).

4. Locate bulletins in the sanctuary and provide them to the ushers who will greet at the side and front doors.

5. Welcome at the back of the sanctuary. Take note of people who are attending for the first time. Ask if they would give you their names and contact information so the church can be in touch. Invite them to stay for coffee hour and take them downstairs after the service.

6. If new people arrive with children, welcomers may introduce them to the Sunday School teacher and/or nursery caregiver (please determine who this is before the service). Explain that children are welcome to stay in church and will be invited to go to the front for story time. They can then go to Sunday School or stay with their parents.

7. Ensure that hearing assist headsets are offered as needed. They are located on the windowsill in the choir loft.

8. If there is a newsletter available offer one to newcomers. Ask if they would like a tour of the church after the service.


Welcomers are asked to gather the ushers, choir and any people already in the sanctuary for a prayer prior to the service. The timing would be around 10:40 or 10:45 a.m. Ushers could be invited to come to the front of the sanctuary at that time and afterward go to back to their spots to greet. You may use a prayer of your own or use the following:

Dear God,

Use this worship to transform lives,

to heal wounded souls,

to renew hope,

to shape decisions,

to provoke change,

to inspire compassion

and to bind people to one another.

Bless Rev. Diane [or other leader] as she guides and leads us

to a closer relationship with Jesus.



1. Lock the front door.

2. Walk around the church and turn off all the lights, including those in the washrooms.
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