Our Church Committees

Our Church Committees

“Serving on a church committee may not sound like a spiritual-growth opportunity, but it is.
Certainly meetings can be long.
Assignments can be difficult. Feelings can be hurt.
But… the Gospel gets carried out in the real world— and a church committee is as real as it gets.”

(Louis Towson, The Effective Church Committee, 1999)
Church Board

The Church Board exercises leadership in the care and oversight of the spiritual life and interests of Carlisle United Church. It acts both as a management group and as a court.

The Church Board is composed of men, women and young people from the congregation, plus a representative of the Presbytery. A “member of the congregation” is a person in good standing with the Church, who attends regularly and who participates in the life of the Church. Membership includes the Minister or an alternative representative of the Presbytery.

All Board members are elected for a three year term, on a staggered basis so that one third of the Board turns over annually. Each Board member has the option of renewing his/her membership for one additional continuous term. Thereafter, he/she must ‘sit out’ for a minimum of one year. Each year, a slate of proposed new Board members will be presented to the Annual Congregational Meeting for election. Trustees are an exception to this, as they are elected for life, unless they resign or are removed.

All Board members are a member of at least one Standing Committee.
Communication Committee

The Communication Committee works at keeping the congregation and the community well informed about church activities and opportunities.

The Communication Committee uses many methods to share information. For example, the Committee produces a quarterly Newsletter to communicate about recent and upcoming events. The Committee produces advertising, posters and tickets for fund-raising events, sends news items to the local papers, and co-ordinates the messages on the outdoor sign. The Communication Committee also oversees the development and publicity for special projects such as the Church Photo Directory.

The Church website and Facebook page are other important vehicles for communication that are guided by this Committee.
Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for establishing the congregation’s financial goals each year.

The Finance Committee obtains from every other Committee an annual estimate of expenses for the upcoming year. The Committee reviews estimated needs and expected income and submits a proposed budget to the Church Board, and also prepares the annual financial report.

The Finance Committee liaises with the Stewardship Committee to canvass when necessary and to promote fund-raising projects within the Church. They also liase with the Board to promote good stewardship in the congregation.

The Finance Committee arranges for the counting of the offering and banking functions.

The Church Treasurer is a member of the Finance Committee.
Ministry and Personnel Committee

The work of the Ministry and Personnel Committee is important to the life and work of the pastoral charge as it provides a “confidential, consultative forum to support the pastoral relationships”. The Committee listens, discusses and then makes recommendations to the Church Board and it is at the Board level where final decisions about staffing, salary, etc., are made.
Property Committee

The Property Committee is responsible for our beautiful church building.

This Committee oversees maintenance and repair of the Church buildings, furnishings and grounds, and installation and repair to any mechanical infrastructure such as heating, plumbing, electrical, windows, elevator, etc. The Property Committee oversees or carries out any work authorized within the annual budget, and emergency repairs not exceeding $500.

The Committee obtains approval from the Church Board for other repairs, renovations or capital purchases. This Committee prepares an annual estimate for the Finance Committee of needed repairs, construction and maintenance.

The Property Committee is also responsible for following up on recommendations such as the Green Audit to improve our energy efficiency and stewardship of Creation.
Worship and Membership Committee

The Worship and Membership Committee works with the Minister to organize worship services throughout the year, as well as special study series, the Cemetery Memorial service and the annual Blessing the Animals service. The Committee also arranges for worship services and Communion for shut-ins.

The Committee co-ordinates the Family Groups and the volunteers who count the offering.

The Committee is responsible for the historical record of the congregation, including membership and gifts. The Committee engages a supply Minister when the regular Minister is absent.

The Worship and Membership Committee explores new ways of providing meaningful worship experiences, considers requests for baptism and membership and makes recommendations to the Board.

The Minister and the Director of Music are de facto members of the Worship and Membership Committee.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that all tangible and intangible assets of the Pastoral Charge are safeguarded and properly maintained.

Trustees are also responsible for the management of Carlisle United Church cemetery.

For more information, or to get in touch with any Committee, contact the Church office at 905-689-8630 or [email protected].
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