
Spring Plant Sale

Geraniums and Begonias

Beautiful, Healthy Bedding Plants

from a Local Grower

Top Quality

Competitive Prices, unchanged from last year

Free delivery

Geraniums (red, pink or salmon)

10 plants in 4" pots = $37

Begonias (yellow, orange, pink or white)

10 plants in 4" pots = $37

All plants must be ordered in advance

and prepaid

Order deadline is

Thursday May 9

Plants will be delivered to your driveway on

Thursday May 16

9:30 to noon,

within Carlisle and Kilbride

If you need assistance in ordering or other information, call Linda at 905-689-7148

Fund-raiser for Carlisle and Kilbride United Churches

Thank you for your support

Carlisle United Church, 1432 Centre Road, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H1

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